English Guy



英文契約書用語 - Notwithstanding

Notwithstanding : ~にもかかわらず Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, (この契約に矛盾するいかなる規定にも関わらず、) 参考リンク 本郷塾 - 英文契約書でよく見かける"notwithstanding"とは? 片山法律会計事務所 - Notwit…

trustworthiness : 信用性、信頼性

trustworthiness : 信用性、信頼性、Warranting trust; reliable 引用元 : Financial Times (by Madhumita Murgia) - UK-US pact will force big tech companies to hand over data (2017/10) This is the Social Credit System already under way in China,…

overtake : 追いつく、追い越す

overtake : 追い越す、To catch up with; draw even or level with, To pass after catching up with 引用元 : InfoWorld - Kotlin could overtake Java on Android next year (2017/10) Kotlin is on its way to overtaking Java on that mobile platform, …

self-effacing : 控えめな

self-effacing 控えめな、でしゃばらない、Not drawing attention to oneself; modest 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times - Review: Google’s Pixel 2 is tantalisingly close to a leap forward (2017/10) Leave it to Google to take the lates…