English Guy



Link - 「思い出す」の英語表現 - recall / recollect


Google Word Coach

スマホから、google.comで「word coach」と検索すると使える。 Link daily-breaker.com

single out : 選び出す、select from a group

single out 選び出す、select from a group, To choose or distinguish from others Synonyms choose, pick out, select, take 一般例文 She was singled out for special treatment. 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Richard Waters) - Go…

denounce : 強く非難する、弾劾する

denounce 強く非難する、弾劾する、To condemn openly as being wrong or reprehensible Synonyms blame, censure, condemn, criticize, dis (also diss) [slang], dispraise, fault, knock, pan, reprehend, slag [chiefly British] 一般例文 The dictator …

Thesaurus - shrewd (賢い)

リンク 引用元 : The Free Dictionary - Thesaurus Synonyms - shrewd astute clever sharp knowing fly keen acute smart calculated calculating intelligent discriminating cunning discerning sly canny perceptive wily crafty artful far-sighted far…

Thesaurus - steal (盗む)

リンク 引用元 : The Free Dictionary - Thesaurus Synonyms - steal (盗む) take nick pinch lift trouser cabbage swipe knock off half-inch heist embezzle blag pilfer misappropriate snitch purloin filch prig shoplift thieve be light-fingered pe…

inexorable : 容赦ない、曲げられない、動かし得ない

inexorable : 容赦ない、曲げられない、動かし得ない Synonyms : unrelenting, relentless, implacable, hard, severe, harsh, cruel, adamant, inescapable, inflexible, merciless, unyielding, immovable, remorseless, pitiless, unbending, obdurate, i…