English Guy


映画 - 【イエスマン Yes Man (2008)】英語


  • Director: Peyton Reed
  • Writers: Nicholas Stoller (screenplay), Jarrad Paul (screenplay)
  • Stars: Jim Carrey(Carl), Zooey Deschanel(Allison), Bradley Cooper(Peter)

YouTube - Yes Man Trailer

Yes Man - Trailer

Wiki, IMDb, Movie Script


  • hang out : うろうろする

    So, what are you doing? Oh, just hanging out in my apartment.

  • all over the map : いたるところに散らばって

    What have you been doing? I've been all over the map man.
    I have lived.
    I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro.
    I ate a bat in Laos.
    I shot a cow with a bazooka.

  • wear out : 使い切る、tire, exhaust

    When you were driving ridiculously far out of your way to drop off a homeless guy who wore out your phone battery so you couldn't call 'Triple A'.

  • covenant : 契約、誓約

    You gotta say yes to life.
    I made a sacred covenent.

  • ground rule : 基本[行動]原則

    First we have to establish the ground rules.
    And the ground rules are there are no ground rules.

  • ballsy : 度胸のある、勇敢な、aggressively bold

    She is spontaneous. She's ballsy.
    She has no clue what she's doing and she doesn't care.
    She's the complete opposite of me.

  • storm off : 怒って出ていく

    We had this big fight and he stormed off.