English Guy


映画 - 【スクール・オブ・ロック School of Rock (2003)】英語

  • Director: Richard Linklater
  • Writer: Mike White
  • Stars: Jack Black(Dewey Finn), Mike White(Ned Schneebly), Joan Cusack(Rosalie Mullins)
YouTube - School of Rock Trailer

School of Rock 2004 Trailer



  • big time : (スポーツ・芸能界の)一流、成功。the top rank of an activity or enterprise

    OK, you guys, the band is about to hit it bigtime.

  • sellout : 売り切れ

    I don't wanna hang out with wannabe corporate sellouts.

  • substitute vs. temp : 代用教員 vs. 臨時雇い(a temporary employee, usually in an office.)

    Dewey, a substitute teacher is not a temp.

  • work your fingers to the bone : to work extremely hard, especially for a long time

    These kids have worked their fingers to the bone just to play one song for you, so sit down, shut up and listen!

  • impersonation : ものまね

    She got up on the table and did a Stevie Nicks impersonation.

  • strap in : シートベルトを締める

    All right, you guys. Is everybody ready ?
    Strap in. Let's do this.

  • blow someone's mind : 圧倒する、衝撃を与える

    You heard of Aretha Franklin, right ? OK, she's a big lady.
    But when she sings, she blows people's minds.