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洋書 - Economist Booksシリース

The Economistから発行される読みやすい経済・経営関連書籍

The Economist Guide to Financial Management: Principles and practice (Economist Books)

The Economist Guide to Financial Management: Principles and practice (Economist Books)

The Economist Guide to Cash Management: How to avoid a business credit crunch

The Economist Guide to Cash Management: How to avoid a business credit crunch

The Economist: Negotiation: An A-Z Guide (Economist a-Z Guide)

The Economist: Negotiation: An A-Z Guide (Economist a-Z Guide)

The Economist: Business Strategy 3rd edition: A guide to effective decision-making

The Economist: Business Strategy 3rd edition: A guide to effective decision-making

The Economist: Marketing: A Guide to the Fundamentals

The Economist: Marketing: A Guide to the Fundamentals