English Guy


Vocabulary - 2018/02


first-rate, excellent

Ex) You did a bang-up job.

bark up the wrong tree

お門違いの非難[追及など]をする、見当違いのこと[努力]をする、to make the wrong choice; to ask the wrong person; to follow the wrong course

Ex) If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Ex) You're barking up the wrong tree asking Mr.Smith for a raise.


議論する、to discuss at length; consider in detail;

Ex) We bat around a wide variety of issues.


poorly executed, having failed, 失敗した

Ex) a botched attempt
Ex) a botched systems upgrade by a poor IT integrator company


人を引きつける, demanding and holding one's attention

Ex) a compelling manner of speech
Ex) The art work was compelling, simple and lyrical.


strongly attracting the eye; striking. ひと目を引く

Ex) eye-catching advertising : 人目を引く公告

focus group

フォーカスグループ(市場調査のために抽出された消費者グループ)、a small group of people whose response to something (such as a new product or a politician's image) is studied to determine the response that can be expected from a larger population


(下品なほど)けばけばしい、派手で俗っぽい。ostentatiously fine; making a pretentious but often hollow show of excellence, elegance, beauty, richness, or worth; having show without substance

Ex) As I watched the pageant, the number of little girls in inappropriate gaudy dresses and makeup shocked me.


malfunction, 故障、障害

Ex) Due to the system glitch, emails were not sent properly.

go wild

熱狂する; to get very excited

Ex) At the end of the football game, the kick was good and the crowd went wild.

night out


Ex) night out for drinks
Ex) girls' night out : (夜に行われる)女子会


to criticize sharply, censure severely, reprimand, 叱る、叱責する、非難する

Ex) The rebuke from the UN


遠慮した,無口な,内気な、控えめな。marked by a disposition to be restrained in words and actions

Ex) He's very reserved.


the disclosing or discovering to others of what was before unknown to them、〔隠されていたものの〕暴露、発覚

Ex) Revelation over 2015 glitch caused by botched systems upgrade


暗礁、思わぬ障害[妨害]、潜在的問題、a concealed or unexpected impediment, difficulty, or obstacle

Ex) We ran into a snag when we did not receive permission to continue with our work.



Ex) He took a snooze in the office.



Ex) He was suspended from the army for a year.
Ex) The UK political consultancy suspended its chief executive.


揺れる、ぐらぐらする、to move or move along with an irregular rocking or staggering motion, move or swing unsteadily and clumsily backward and forward or from side to side

Ex) Asian equities wobble in wake of Fed rate move