English Guy


海外ドラマ - 【ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ Game of Thrones】英語 - Season 4


YouTube - Season 4 Trailer


Episode 4-1. Two Swords

  • paramour : 愛人、the person you are having a romantic or sexual relationship with, but are not married to

    TYRION : I'm here to welcome you to the capital.
    OBERYN : Ellaria Sand, my paramour.
    The king's own Uncle Imp. Tyrion, son of Tywin Lannister.
    TYRION : If there's anything I can do to make your stay...

  • come to pass : 起きる、実現する、to happen

    OBERYN : What are you? His hired killer?
    BRONN : It started that way, aye. Now I'm a knight. OBERYN : How did that come to pass?
    BRONN : Killed the right people, I suppose.

  • singular : 並はずれた、非凡な、of an unusual quality or standard; noticeable

    OLENNA TYRELL : We know who you are. We've heard all about you.
    But hearing is one thing.
    Aren't you just marvelous?
    Absolutely singular.

  • stench : 悪臭、a strong, unpleasant smell

  • come by : 手に入れる、to get something, using effort, by chance or in a way that has not been explained

    ARYA: When am I going to get a horse of my own?
    HOUND : The little lady wants a pony. ARYA : The little lady wants away from your stench. HOUND : Horses aren't easy to come by.

Episode 4-2. The Lion and the Rose

  • discreet : 〔秘密などを〕口外しない、守る、控えめな、careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret
  • swordsman : 傭兵、剣客、a person skilled in fighting with a sword

    TYRION : Train, then. Learn to fight with your other hand.
    JAIME : With whom? You? Men talk.
    Soon as someone discovers I can't fight, he'll tell everyone.
    TYRION : You need a proper, discreet swordsman. As it happens, I have just the one.

  • idle threat : ただの[口先だけの・無意味な]脅し

    TYRION : She won't leave.
    I've told her this is a dangerous place so many times, she no longer believes it.
    VARYS : Your father has promised to hang the next whore he finds you with.
    Have you ever known your father to make an idle threat?

  • goblet : ゴブレット、聖爵 f:id:blog-guy:20180414191358p:plain

    MARGAERY's FATHER : Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup.
    May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long.
    JOFFREY : A handsome goblet, my lord. Or shall I call you Father?
    MARGAERY's FATHER : I shall be honored, Your Grace.

Episode 4-3. Breaker of Chains

  • opportune : 適切な、適当な、好都合の、happening at a time that is likely to produce success or is convenient:
  • press the issue : 問題をしつこく追及する

    MARGAERY: So am I the queen?
    OLENNA: More than you were with Renly. Less than you would have been if Joffrey had done you the courtesy of consummating the marriage before dying.
    In any case, this would not be an opportune moment to press the issue.

  • gullible : 騙されやすい、easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say

    TYWIN: Yeah. A good king must be just. Orys I was just. Everyone applauded his reforms. Nobles and commoners alike. But he wasn't just for long. He was murdered in his sleep after less than a year by his own brother.
    Was that truly just of him? To abandon his subjects to an evil that he was too gullible to recognize?
    TOMMEN: No.

  • heed : 気を付ける、心に留める、to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning

    TYWIN: A wise king knows what he knows and what he doesn't.
    You're young. A wise young king listens to his counselors and heeds their advice until he comes of age. And the wisest kings continue to listen to them long afterwards...