English Guy


Vocabulary - 2018/04



Ex) family-friendly, budget-minded clothing

cut corners

手を抜く、工程をはしょる、to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way

Ex) We must not cut corners on quality or our product image will be damaged.


ちょっと手を出す、to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject, or try a particular activity for a short period:

Ex) When he was younger, he dabbled in writing novels.

daily needs (product)

日用品、生活必需品、daily necessities

Ant.) Luxury product


本題から脱線する、to turn aside from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing or speaking

Ex) Let's not digress. Let's stay on track.

double-edged sword

a situation with both positive and negative effects、諸刃の剣

Ex) The extension of their agreement could be a double-edged sword.


一時的な熱中・流行、a style or activity that suddenly becomes popular but which usually does not stay popular for very long:

Ex) Do we really want to risk investing something that's just a fad?


変わりやすい、気まぐれな、移り気な、likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason

Ex) He is so fickle - He has not been interested in the same woman for more than a week!

jump in with both feet

じっくりと考える前に行動する、to become involved in a situation too quickly without thinking about it first

Ex) Don't just jump in with both feet before you think over carefully.


ニュージーランド人、a person from New Zealand

Ex) Jacinda Ardern takes over as Kiwi opposition leader.


余裕、ゆとり、slack, flexibility, an allowable margin of freedom or variation

Ex) The new rules allow managers greater leeway in making decisions.

in a big way

とても、すごく、very much; intensely.

Ex) I'm really interested in her in a big way.
You have helped me in a big way.

It came to me [ when / during / while ]...

思い立った、そのアイディアが思いついた、I came up with it ... , I got the idea from ...

Ex) It came to me just now, but do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.

learn the rope



Ant.) home-body

over the top (OTT)

過度の。too extreme, too excessive

Ex) The decorations were over the top.


Ex) Our paths are paved.

pollen allergy

花粉症、allergy to pollen, hay fever

Ex) My eyes are itchy because of the pollen allergy.

product placement


Ex) Product placement in movies has long been used to sell consumer items.

red tape


Ex) In India, due to the bureaucratic red tape, registrations usually take time.


(演説・放送など)原稿[台本]のある[による]。(of a speech, conversation, meeting, or public appearance) written or arranged in advance

Ex) He read from a scripted speech and refused to answer any questions at all at the end of it.
Ex) That reality show was actually scripted.


強欲な人、高利貸し, a rapacious crafty person who gains by usury, extortion, swindling, or trickery

Ex) a mortgage shark


しゃれた、なめらかな、having trim graceful lines, elegant, stylish

Ex) the sleek lines of a sports car


屋台、a shop at a festival; a booth, stand, or counter at which articles are displayed for sale

Ex) During Sakura Festival, the path leading to the shrine is lined with food stalls where people enjoy eating and drinking.