English Guy



crack down - 取り締まる

crack down 取り締まる to take strong action to stop something Examples a crack-down on crime Facebook Inc. has pledged to crack down on scam ads with a new reporting tool that lets users flag suspected fraudulent schemes.

water down :〔議案・計画などを〕骨抜きにする

water down :〔議案・計画などを〕内容の乏しいものにする、骨抜きにする、Diluted with water. 引用元 : FT - Telcos angry as European Parliament waters down investment plans (2017/10/03) The European telecoms industry has reacted with fury afte…


主要用語 Copyright : 著作権 Copyright Law / Act : 著作権法 Design right : 意匠権 Patent : 特許 Fair Use : フェアユース Intellectual property : 知的財産 Personality rights / Right of publicity : 肖像権 Trademarks : 商標権 Utility Model : 実…

shortchanged : 釣り銭をごまかす、騙す

shortchange 釣り銭をごまかす[少なく渡す]、騙す、to give less than the correct amount of change to、To treat unfairly or deceitfully; cheat 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : HuffPost (by Ann Brenoff) - 13 Tips To Keep Your Sanity During The Nex…

data breach : データ漏洩、情報漏洩(ろうえい)

data breach データ漏洩、情報漏洩 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Leslie Hook) - Uber hid massive data breach from passengers and regulators (2017/11) Uber failed to tell its users or regulators about a massive data breach t…