English Guy



atheist : 無神論者

atheist 無神論者、a person who does not believe in God or gods 一般例文 The atheist refused to say the pre-dinner prayer. 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : New York Times (by THOMAS HOOVEN, M.D.) - Sundays at the Altar of Science (2017/12) We we…

far-reaching : 広範囲に及ぶ

far-reaching 広範囲に及ぶ、Having a wide range, influence, or effect 一般例文 the far-reaching implications of a major new epidemic. 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : New York Times (by THOMAS FULLER, ANAHAD O’CONNOR and MATT RICHTEL) - In Asia’…

wreak havoc : 大被害・大惨事をもたらす

wreak havoc 大被害・大惨事をもたらす、To cause a lot of problems 一般例文 The rainy weather wreaked havoc with our picnic plans. The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city. These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy. All invest…

plummet : まっすぐに落ちる、急落する

plummet まっすぐに落ちる、急落する、To fall straight down; plunge 一般例文 When the housing bubble burst, many people saw their property values plummet. Experts predicted compact disc sales would plummet when the ability to download music …

obscurity : 無名

obscurity 無名、the condition of being unknown 一般例文 The author’s books remained in obscurity until her publisher reprinted them after her death. 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (By Richard Waters) - Eric Schmidt steps down …

headwind / tailwind : 向かい風 / 追い風

headwind / tailwind headwind : 逆風、向かい風 tailwind : 順風、追い風 一般例文 Moreover, the companies face the headwind of rising interest rates. Alibaba is still confident in China sales despite ‘Troubling Headwinds’ Small businesses can…