English Guy



at odds - 不一致で、不和で、対立して、争って

at odds 不一致で、不和で、対立して、争って to disagree Examples They're at odds over the funding of the project. Her version of events was at odds with (= very different from) the police report. Rimini Street and Oracle were once again at …

bang for the buck - 努力に見合うだけの価値, good value for money

bang for the buck 努力・出費に見合うだけの価値 value in return for your money = good value for money : 購入・投資価値のあるもの Examples The company spent lots of money in the past, but now its products give more bang for the buck. One of …

crow's feet - 目じりの小じわ

crow's feet 目じりの小じわ the narrow lines at the outer edge of a person’s eyes Link ここの画像を見たほうが手っ取り早い health.howstuffworks.com Examples You can call crow's feet "laugh lines" or "character lines," but these slightly more…