English Guy


映画 - 【グラン・トリノ Gran Torino (2008)】英語


  • Director: Clint Eastwood
  • Writers: Nick Schenk (screenplay), Dave Johannson (story)
  • Stars: Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Christopher Carley

YouTube - Trailer

Gran Torino (2008) Official Trailer - Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang Drama Movie HD

Wiki, IMDb, Script


hard look


They hear someone coming downstairs. By the time Walt descends the staircase, the boys sit on the couch, pretending to be doing nothing. Walt gives them a hard look as he grabs some chairs.

dead zone


ASHLEY (GRANDDAUGHTER) : How long do we have to stay, this ghetto is a dead zone for my cell and I'm bored.



WALT : Plenty.
I lived with death for three years in Korea.
We shot people, we stabbed them with bayonets, we hacked seventeen-year-old kids to death with shovels, for Christ's sake.
I did things that won't leave me till the day I die, horrible things, things I have to live with.


【副】部分的に、= partly

WALT : Ten dollars? Jesus Christ, Martin, you keep raising the price. You sure you're not part Jew?



SUE : Hmong people come from different parts of Laos and Thailand and China.

make amends

償いをする、埋め合わせをする、to do something to correct a mistake that one has made or a bad situation that one has caused

SUE : Tao is here to make amends, he's here to work for you.


償う、恩を返す、compensate, requite, to pay someone money that was borrowed, or to reward (someone)

Ex) How can I ever repay you for your kindness?

SUE : My family is very traditional and it will very much upset them if you don't let Tao repay...