English Guy


海外ドラマ - 【モダン・ファミリー Modern Family】英語 - Season 2

YouTube - Season 2 Promo

Modern Family Season 2 Promo #2

Episode 2-1. The Old Wagon

  • cross a/the line : 一線を超える、To act in an inacceptable or inappropriate way

    You know what? You can insult a lot of things about me: My hair, my voice, my balance board exercises.
    But don't insult my selling.
    That crosses a line.

  • snap : キレる、(Urban dictionary)to lose your temper and act in an aggressive manner.

    Ah, what's Daddy reading to you? If I have to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar one more time, I will snap.

  • petrified : びっくりして,茫然(ぼうぜん)自失状態で、stunned or dazed with horror, fear, etc

    I am petrified to do this with Mitchell.
    He built a couple of theater sets in college or something and now he thinks he knows everything about building.
    Well, he doesn't.

  • scare off : ~を(怖がらせて)追い払う

    Manny, relax. She's not here yet.
    You might wanna play it a little cooler.
    You don't want to scare off your girlfriend.

  • clingy : くっつく、しがみつく

    In my culture, mothers are very clingy to their sons.
    In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian woman is when their sons get married.
    But I'm not like that.

  • trans fat : トランス脂肪

    Manny, why don't you give your friend Kelly an empanada? Oh, no, thank you.
    I try to stay away from trans fats.
    I'm sure one won't make a difference.

  • just to let you know : 一応お知らせまで、一応言っておくと

    You really think you trapped sunshine in there? I'm just letting you know now, I'm not taking care of him when you guys die.

  • whine : めそめそと愚痴を言う、To complain or protest in a childish or annoying fashion
    * Synonyms : complain, grumble, gripe, whinge, moan, cry, beef, carp, sob, wail, grouse, whimper, bleat, grizzle, grouch, bellyache

    Okay, kids, you know what? Your father is trying to do something nice. So I would appreciate if you would stop your whining and just get in the car.

  • touchy : 敏感な、sensitive, delicate
    * Synonyms : delicate, sensitive, tricky, risky, sticky, thorny, knotty, ticklish

    Well, this is a touchy subject for Mitchell.
    He wants to feel like a regular Joe, like you and I.

  • caveman : 原始人、野人

    Wait! Garnish(料理のつけ合わせ).
    We're men, not cavemen.

  • toss aside : ポイと投げ捨てる

    You just tossed a woman aside then immediately you go to the next one?
    No, I just...
    This is not the way you treat woman! Men are all the same! They break woman's hearts and they don't care! Men are all animals!

Episode 2-2. The Kiss

  • containers and lids : 容器とその蓋

    How come we don't have the same number of containers and lids? Why would they ever get separated?
    Built-up resentment, money issues, met a younger lid.

  • drifter : 放浪者,浮浪者. * Synonyms : wandererr, bum, tramp, itinerant, vagrant, hobo, vagabond, rolling stone, bag lady

    Last week I picked up her cell phone, thinking it was mine and I accidentally read a few flirty text messages that were probably from a boy in her class, which is fine.
    Or they're from a drifter.

  • public display of affection (PDA) : 〔カップルが〕人前[公共の場所]でイチャイチャ[べたべた]すること

    Mitchell has a problem with public displays of affection.
    I remember once at a New Year's Eve Party, stroke of midnight he high-fived me.
    Two problems with that:
    One, gays don't high-five.
    Two, gays don't high-five.

  • mess with : ちょっかいを出す、喧嘩を売る、Interfere or associate with; also, annoy, bother

    I made all that up. That's not a real custom in Colombia. We're not lunatics.
    But you mess with us and we mess with you.
    That's the custom.

  • ambush : 待ち伏せて襲う

    Mitchell is embarrassed to kiss me in front of other people.
    No, you ambushed me.
    Oh, Cam, come on.

Episode 2-3. Earthquake

  • dawn on me that : ~と気づく、To become suddenly clear to me that

    Okay, here's the thing.
    I wasn't pushing. In fact, I was pulling a little.
    It dawned on me that as long as Claire was stuck in the bathroom I'd have time to anchor the cabinet to the wall.
    It's like they say, sometimes when God closes a door he closes it so hard that your wife can't get out.

  • puzzle out : (なぞ・問題などを)解く

    I told him.
    Yeah, I puzzled that out.

  • paperwork : 事務処理

    I just don't understand this bad section of heaven.
    What if they send you to the wrong place? They make mistakes with paperwork sometimes.
    I was put in a girl's health class last year - and had to watch a very disturbing movie.

  • tell on : 密告する、言いつける、 give away information about somebody
    * Synonyms : shit, snitch, stag, shop, denounce, give away, betray, grass, rat

    It was pulling part of the floor down and then pushing part of the floor up, causing the bathroom door...
    Please don't tell on me.

Episode 2-20. Someone to Watch Over Lily

  • take a chance : リスクや危険を承知の上で(何かを)する。chance : risk

    We're so sorry for just dropping by like this.
    Are you kidding me? I'll take any chance to spend time with this little princess. I love her little hair, her little toes.

  • guardian : 後見人、One who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or minor.

    Would you listen to me? I think that Gloria and my dad could be Lily's guardians.
    Look, you know I love Jay, and they're still in the mix.

  • To cross a bridge when you come to it : やるときはやる

    Well, there's medication, but why don't we cross that bridge if we come to it?
    Is there any way to avoid that bridge altogether?
    You know, maybe there's diet or focusing exercises or something?
    Ms. Dunphy, what exactly are you worried about? Get comfortable.
    I'm worried he's turning into you, Phil.

  • behind you : 味方[支援]をする

    You're already about the bravest kid I know.
    I am?
    Come on. You wear blazers to school. You play the pan flute. You You read poetry to girls.
    I couldn't even talk to girls when I was your age.
    Shower thing's nothing compared to all that.
    But whatever you decide, I'm behind you.

Episode 2-24. The One That Got Away

  • swing by : 立ち寄る

    Hey, uh, what would you think about swinging by the shoe store?
    Okay, let's go.

  • pout : ふくれっ面をする、すねる、To exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk.

    You know what? I'm acting like a jerk.
    What am I, 12? Hey.
    So I didn't get to go fishing. Am I gonna pout about it?
    I still have my family, and you guys made such a big fuss.

  • Knock it off : 静かにしろ、黙れ、騒ぐな、止めろ、To stop doing something

    I still got it.
    Knock it off.