English Guy


海外ドラマ - 【ビッグバン★セオリー Big Bang Theory】英語 - Season 5

Episode 5-1. The Skank Reflex Analysis

  • grind : (勉強・仕事に)打ち込むTo devote oneself to study or work

    Sheldon: It's not what it looks like. It's not what it looks like.
    Leonard: What are you grinding about?

  • brain teaser : クイズ、難問 dishevelled : (髪・服が)乱れた、Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing.

    Sheldon: Penny's brain teaser this morning. She and Koothrappali emerge from your bedroom. She is dishevelled, and Raj is dressed only in a sheet. The sole clue, it's not what it looks like.

  • hygiene : 衛生、衛生状態

    Sheldon: Raj is from India, a tropical country. Third World hygiene. Parasitic infections are common, such as pinworms.

  • got/have one's back : Take care, support 例文)I'm his wife, so I've got his back.

    Howard: Yeah, how could you do that?
    Raj: What is it to you?
    Howard: I got his back.

  • handle : コップなどの取っ手

    Scene: Penny's apartment. Penny has a bottle of wine. She can't find a glass. Finds a measuring jug and uses that instead. There is a knock on the door.
    Penny: Coming. Yup, that's good. Wine glasses should have handles.

  • upheaval : 激変、変動

    Dr Hofstadter: Sheldon informed me that you're experiencing an emotional upheaval, and I'm here to help.
    Leonard: That's so nice.

  • buck up : 元気を出せ

    Leonard: Got any advice?
    Dr Hofstadter: Yes. Buck up.
    Leonard: Excuse me. You're a world-renowned expert in parenting and child development, and all you've got is buck up?
    Dr Hofstadter: Sorry. Buck up, sissy pants.

  • hemorrhoid : 痔

    Penny: You know, I don't even know what the point of me staying in L.A. is. I haven't gotten a single acting job since I moved out here.
    The closest I came was last month, I got a callback for a hemorrhoid commercial.
    Amy: Oh, I could so see you being the face of hemorrhoid.

  • take a hard look at : ~を冷静な目で厳しく見る

    Penny: Anyways, I wanted you guys all to know that I've been taking a really hard look at things and come to the conclusion I have to stop kidding myself.
    I suck at acting. It's time for me to move back to Nebraska.
    Leonard: You're leaving?
    Penny: Yeah.

  • try a dab of : 試しに塗る

    Actress: Ready to ride?
    Penny (on screen): I don't think so, Mom. Not today.
    Actress: Oh, sweetie. Haemorrhoids acting up again?
    Penny (on screen): You don't know the half of it.
    Actress: Oh, yes, I do. Try a dab of this.

Episode 5-2. The Infestation Hypothesis

  • take up : (趣味などを)始める、To develop an interest in or enter into

    Sheldon: Priya has moved back to India to pursue her law career. Instead of desperately trying to keep this intercontinental relationship alive, you could use that time to take up a hobby.
    Leonard: A hobby?

  • rise to power : 政権を取る、権力の座に就く、To attain or gain access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne)
    sterilize : 不妊にする、去勢する、To eliminate the ability of a person or animal to produce offspring, as by altering or removing the reproductive organs.

    Leonard: You know, some people might say that it's great that we're trying to make things work long distance. They'd say things like, love is stronger than the miles between you.
    Sheldon: When I rise to power, those people will be sterilized.

  • blow out of proportion : 大げさに言う、誇張する、To make more of than is reasonable; exaggerate.

    Leonard: Sheldon, you do this all the time. You fixate on some crazy idea and then blow it way out of proportion.
    Sheldon: Name one time I've ever done that.

  • unhygienic : 非衛生的な

    Sheldon: I was hoping she might listen to you about the dangers of owning unhygienic furniture.