English Guy


Vocabulary - 2018/01

as far as I'm concerned

in my opinion

Ex) As far as I'm concerned, your idea is completely unrealistic.



Ex) The future looks bleak.

bottom drops out

bottom falls out, 底をつく、(~の基盤が)崩れる

Ex) The bottom dropped out of the steel market.

conveyor belt Sushi bar


couch potato

一日中ソファーでゴロゴロしながらジャンクフードを食べながらテレビを見ているような人, a lazy and inactive person; especially : one who spends a great deal of time watching television

Ex) I’m going to be a couch potato this weekend.


deep pocket

十分な富[資金]、金持ちの懐, substantial financial resources, a person or an organization having substantial financial resources

Ex) a corporation with deep pockets

go out of one's way to


Ex) Don't go out of your way to help me finish this.

every man for himself

自分の身は自分で守らなければならない状態、誰にも頼れない状況、Everyone has to fight for his or her own survival.

Ex) When the ship began to sink, it was every man for himself.

impulse buy

衝動買い、buying something without thinking about it

Ex) You will save time, effort and money and also avoid unwise impulse buys.

in the worst-case scenario

最悪の場合は、最悪の事態が起きた場合は Ex) Now, let's look at the worst-case scenario. In the worst-case scenario, we're all dead.

lose one's shirt

無一文になる, to lose a lot of money; to lose all of one's assets

Ex) He lost his shirt in the stock market crash.


~の要点を説明する、to indicate the principal features or different parts of

Ex) The President outlined his agenda for the next term.

press charges


Ex) The owner of the boat decided not to press charges against the children.

Property and Casualty Insurance

損害保険。P&C Insurance.


recapitulate, give a summary of、おさらいする

Ex) During the meeting, the CEO will recap Q3 and outline focus areas for Q4.



Ex) a mountain retreat : 山荘

right up one's alley

びったりの、うってつけ、suited to one's own tastes or abilities

Ex) a job that's right up her alley


〔発言などに〕賛成する、〔発言・目的などを〕支持する, to give support or encouragement to

Ex) I'll second that.(同感です、賛成する)

set a goal


Ex) He set a goal for himself of exercising at least three times a week.
Ex) The sales manager meets with salespeople each quarter to set clear goals for sales and performance.

stand out

目立つ, to be prominent or conspicuous

Ex) He stands out from the crowd.



Ex) a touching movie about two lost animals who try to find their way home

two cents

(humble) opinion

Ex) If I can add my two cents here, I think Linda is the right candidate for the position.