English Guy


Phrasal Verbs / Collocation - O/P/Q

pan out

To be successful or to accomplish a goal. 成功する、計画がうまくいく。

Ex) I hope this business deal pans out since we have spent a lot of time and money pursuing this client.

pay off

The positive result of an action.

Ex) For our company, the pay off on all this effort will be greater revenue.

phase in

To introduce something gradually or in stages.

Ex) We are going to phase in the changes in the website gradually so that users are not confused by too much change at once.

phase out

To remove gradually or in stages.

Ex) We are going to phase out some of the products that don’t sell well, but we won’t do it all at once.

plough back

To reinvest money into a company.

Ex) We have made good profits this year and we are going to plough them back into research and development.

quiet down

To reduce in tempo or volume.

Ex) We sell many products during December when customers buy Christmas gifts but sales quiet down in January.