English Guy



英語フレーズ - 話をまとめるとき

英語フレーズ - 話をまとめるとき Briefly To say it briefly, the project was successfully Go-Lived. In a few words In a few words, I'd like to congratulate all the project members. To sum up To sum up, our company is in serious financial tro…

gain ground : 普及する、広まる

gain ground 普及する、広まる 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Matthew Garrahan) - Accountants gain ground in advertising territory (2017/11) Headline - Accountants gain ground in advertising territory

buoy : 支える、(望みを)つなぐ、To maintain at a high level; support:

buoy : 支える、(望みを)つなぐ、To maintain at a high level; support: 引用元 : Financial Times - Nvidia results buoyed by revenue jump in core gaming market (2017/11) Nvidia's stock has already been buoyed by high investor expectations th…

state-of-the-art : 最先端の

state-of-the-art 最先端の 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Alice Fishburn) - The British Museum’s new conservation centre (2015/01) ... they’ve had clients spend over a million on wine rooms complete with spotlit bottle disp…