実際のC Programming講義を見てみる!英語字幕も付いているので、非常に役に立つ!
drop-in replacement 完全互換品、差し込むだけで交換できる品 例 Corretto is designed as a drop-in replacement for all Java SE distributions unless you are using features (e.g., Java Flight Recorder) not available in OpenJDK. Link Wiki - Drop…
future-proof adj) 将来にも有効な、古くならない、v) future-proofできるようにする to design software, a computer, etc. so that it can still be used in the future, even when technology changes Ex1) Here are some tips for future-proofing your …
credential (IT / Security用語) 認証情報、アカウント情報(ID、パスワード等) Ex1) There can be many logins, passwords, and credentials associated with your business website, for all the services used to create your website. credential (一般…
bug bounty セキュリティ脆弱性を報告してもらうことで報奨金を払う制度 Link Wiki - Bug bounty program 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : New York Times (by NICOLE PERLROTH and MIKE ISAAC) - Inside Uber’s $100,000 Payment to a Hacker, and the Fallout…
代表的なソフトウェアライセンス条項例 Redhat Red Hat Enterprise Agreement - US Microsoft MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS - Windows OS Oracle Oracle Binary Code License Agreement - Java
dead wrong : 全く間違っている、totally wrong 引用元 : TechRepublic - Oracle CEO Hurd thinks the database market is about features. He's dead wrong. (2017/11) But Hurd is absolutely wrong in his belief that "features" provide an indomitable…
trustworthiness : 信用性、信頼性、Warranting trust; reliable 引用元 : Financial Times (by Madhumita Murgia) - UK-US pact will force big tech companies to hand over data (2017/10) This is the Social Credit System already under way in China,…
overtake : 追い越す、To catch up with; draw even or level with, To pass after catching up with 引用元 : InfoWorld - Kotlin could overtake Java on Android next year (2017/10) Kotlin is on its way to overtaking Java on that mobile platform, …
pay-as-you-go 使った分だけ支払う、都度払い、利用時払い 一般例文 インターネット接続料金、Cloudサービス等 従量(課金)制 (pay-as-you-go) vs. 定額制 (flat rate) 携帯電話、ライセンス費等 都度払い (pay-as-you-go) vs. 前払い (prepaid) 英字新聞か…
state-of-the-art 最先端の 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Alice Fishburn) - The British Museum’s new conservation centre (2015/01) ... they’ve had clients spend over a million on wine rooms complete with spotlit bottle disp…
at scale : 大規模に、on a larger scale 引用元 : Financial Times (by Peter Campbell) - General Motors aims to run fleets of self-driving taxis by 2019 (2017/12) ... potentially becoming the first traditional carmaker to deploy autonomous te…
SAP用語の英日まとめは以下のサイトで一元的に管理していきます。 ERP Guy SAP英語
data breach データ漏洩、情報漏洩 英字新聞からの例文 引用元 : Financial Times (by Leslie Hook) - Uber hid massive data breach from passengers and regulators (2017/11) Uber failed to tell its users or regulators about a massive data breach t…
Episode 1-3. Articles of Incorporation Silicon Valley (2014) Episode Scripts 単語・用例 market cap : Market Capitalization. 時価総額 And while I know …
Episode 1-2. The Cap Table Silicon Valley (2014) Episode Scripts 単語・用例 turn down : reject You turned down ten million dollars to keep Pied Piper.…
Episode 1-1. Minimum Viable Product Silicon Valley (2014) Episode Scripts 単語・用例 copyrighted material : 著作権のある[で保護されている]マテリアル…
(esp of clothing or a website, computer program, etc) made to the customer's specifications making or selling such clothing, websites, etc: a bespoke tailor ; a bespoke web designer bespoke application - カスタムアプリケーション TensorFlow…
asset management : 資産管理 asset register : 資産管理表 ACD(Automatic Call Distribution) : 自動着信呼分配 budget : 予算 budgeting : 予算業務 build : 構築 CMIS(Capacity Management Information System) : キャパシティ管理情報システム Capital C…
ISACA CISM(Certified Information Security Manager)の英日用語 CISM Exam Terminology List
基本用語 送信者 / 受信者 / 盗聴者 - Sender / Receiver / Eavesdropper よく人物の名前でAlice / Bob / Eveが使われたりする 暗号化 / 復号化 - Encrypt / Decrypt 平文(ひらぶん) / 暗号文 - Plaintext / Ciphertext 暗号・暗号技術 - Cryptography 暗…