本 - スタンダップコメディ入門 (2023/06)
スタンダップコメディ (Stand-up Comedy)に関する分かりやすい入門。社会問題(BLM、Cancel Culture)との関連も非常に勉強になる。
- はじめに
第1章 スタンダップコメディとは何か
- スタンダップコメディの定義
- スタンダップコメディアンとは誰か?
- コメディ・クラブ
- コメディ用語
- 成功までの道のり
- パフォーマンスとしてのスタンダップ
第2章 コメディ・クラブ誕生への道──スタンダップコメディの歴史I
- ミンストレル・ショー
- ユーモリストと講演
- ヴォードヴィルの時代
- レビューとバーレスク
- ラジオとトーキー
- ナイト・クラブの興隆
- ボルシチ・ベルトとユダヤ系コメディアン
- リゾート開発と新しいステージ
- テレビへの進出
- 新しい世代のコメディアンたち
- コメディ・クラブの誕生
第3章 テレビからインターネットへ──スタンダップコメディの歴史 II
- 一九七〇年代──検閲とHBOの登場
- 一九八〇年代──コメディ・ブーム到来
- 黒人コメディの歴史
- 一九九〇年代──オルタナティヴ・コメディの時代
- 二〇〇〇年代──インターネットの時代
- 二〇一〇年代──ネットフリックスの台頭
第4章 「笑い」を決めるのは誰か──スタンダップコメディの現在
- ウォーク・カルチャーとキャンセル・カルチャーの時代
- キャンセルされたマジョリティ
- キャンセルされたマイノリティ
- 分断とコメディ
- 他者への〝いじり〟と自虐
- おわりに
- 参考文献
- スタンダップコメディ年表
- スタンダップコメディ用語辞典
- 人名索引
洋書 - Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope by Mark Manson (2019)
Table of Contents
Part I Hope
- Chapter 1 The Uncomfortable Truth
- Chapter 2 Self-Control Is an Illusion 20
- Chapter 3 Newton's Laws of Emotion 47
- Chapter 4 How to Make All Your Dreams Come True 75
- Chapter 5 Hope Is Fucked 111
Part II Everything Is Fucked
- Chapter 6 The Formula of Humanity 137
- Chapter 7 Pain Is the Universal Constant 162
- Chapter 8 The Feelings Economy 192
Lucid Dreaming - Steps to increase changes of having a lucid dream
(Generated by ChatGPT 4o on 2024/08)
Lucid dreaming is the ability to be aware that you're dreaming while you're in a dream. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of having a lucid dream:
1. Keep a Dream Journal
- Write Down Dreams: Upon waking, immediately write down everything you remember from your dreams. This helps you become more aware of your dreams and recognize patterns or recurring themes.
- Review Your Journal: Frequently review your dream journal to familiarize yourself with common dream elements.
2. Reality Checks
- Ask Yourself: Throughout the day, ask yourself, "Am I dreaming?" and do reality checks. For example, try to push your finger through your palm, check the time on a clock, or look at some text and look away. In a dream, these actions will often yield strange or impossible results.
- Develop a Habit: By developing the habit of questioning reality, you'll be more likely to do so while dreaming.
3. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD)
- Affirmations Before Sleep: As you fall asleep, repeatedly tell yourself, "I will have a lucid dream tonight" or "I will recognize that I'm dreaming."
- Visualize: Picture yourself becoming aware in a dream, thinking of recent dreams you've had where you could have become lucid.
4. Wake Back to Bed (WBTB)
- Set an Alarm: Wake up after about 4-6 hours of sleep.
- Stay Awake for 20-30 Minutes: During this time, read about lucid dreaming or practice MILD techniques.
- Go Back to Sleep: Return to bed with the intention of having a lucid dream. This method takes advantage of your heightened awareness when you fall back to sleep.
5. Meditation and Mindfulness
- Practice Meditation: Regular meditation can improve your self-awareness and mindfulness, which can carry over into your dreams, making it easier to recognize when you’re dreaming.
- Stay Present: Throughout the day, practice staying in the moment. The more aware you are in waking life, the more likely you'll be aware in your dreams.
6. Sleep Hygiene
- Regular Sleep Schedule: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure you're getting enough rest, which can improve dream recall and increase the likelihood of lucid dreams.
- Avoid Stimulants: Reduce or avoid caffeine and other stimulants before bed to improve the quality of your sleep.
7. Use of Supplements (Optional)
- Supplements: Some people use supplements like melatonin, vitamin B6, or galantamine to increase the vividness of dreams. However, these should be used with caution and possibly under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
8. Stay Calm in the Dream
- Stay Calm: If you realize you're dreaming, try to stay calm to avoid waking up. Engage with the dream slowly and explore it mindfully. By consistently applying these techniques, you can increase your chances of having a lucid dream. It may take time and practice, so be patient with the process.
洋書 - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson (2016)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Don't Try
- The Feedback Loop from Hell
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
- So Mark, What the Fuck Is the Point of This Book Anyway?
Chapter 2 Happiness Is a Problem
- The Misadventures of Disappointment Panda
- Happiness Comes from Solving Problems
- Emotions Are Overrated
- Choose Your Struggle
Chapter 3 You Are Not Special
- Things Fall Apart
- The Tyranny of Exceptionalism
- B-b-b-but, If I'm Not Going to Be Special or Extraordinary, What's the Point?
Chapter 4 The Value of Suffering
- The Self-Awareness Onion
- Rock Star Problems
- Shitty Values
- Denning Good and Bad Values
Chapter 5 You Are Always Choosing
- The Choice
- The Responsibility/Fault Fallacy
- Responding to Tragedy
- Genetics and the Hand We're Dealt
- Victimhood Chic
- There Is No "How"
Chapter 6 You're Wrong About Everything (But So Am I)
- Architects of Our Own Beliefs
- Be Careful What You Believe
- The Dangers of Pure Certainty
- Manson's Law of Avoidance
- Kill Yourself
- How to Be a Little Less Certain of Yourself
Chapter 7 Failure Is the Way Forward
- The Failure/Success Paradox
- Pain Is Part of the Process
- The "Do Something" Principle
Chapter 8 The Importance of Saying No
- Rejection Makes Your Life Better
- Boundaries
- How to Build Trust
- Freedom Through Commitment
Chapter 9 …And Then You Die
- Something Beyond Our Selves
- The Sunny Side of Death
Jim Cramer Mad Money (2024/08/05 Mon)
- Market Sell-OFF
- DJIA 38,703.27 -1,033.99 (-2.60%)
- S&P 500 5,186.33 -160.23 (-3.00%)
- NASDAQ 16,200.08 -576.08 (-3.43%)
- Japan's NIKKEI plunges 13% (4,000+ points). The biggest rout since 1987 Black Monday.
- Cramer: On a day like today, I think the most important thing is to have a game plan.
- Wall street's on edge, but panic isn't a strategy - Cramer on what could lie ahead.
- Should you be shocked by today's big slide? Cramer's weighing in on the sell-off.
- Cramer's SELL-OFF playbook
- Identify what's actually wrong.
- Analyze what people "think" is wrong.
- Figure out what you can buy that's not connected to the epicenter.
- Keep cash on hand for other potential drops.
- Wait until oversold before putting money to work.
- Consider upcoming market events that can impact averages.
- Bottom Line: Panic isn't a strategy - Get your shopping list ready for buying opportunities