English Guy



映画 - 【ショーシャンクの空に The Shawshank Redemption (1994)】英語

ショーシャンクの空に(字幕版)発売日: 2013/11/26メディア: Amazonビデオこの商品を含むブログを見る Overview Director: Frank Darabont Writers: Stephen King (short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"), Frank Darabont (screenplay) Star…

英英辞典の活用 - 英英辞典で使われるpart-of-speech(品詞)

Basics adj. adjective : 形容詞 adv. adverb : 副詞 conj. conjunction : 接続詞 def.art. definite article : 定冠詞 indef.art. indefinite article : 不定冠詞 interj. interjection : 感嘆詞 n. noun : 名詞 prep. preposition : 前置詞 pron. pronoun …

buzz : 興奮、熱狂、Excited interest or attention

buzz : 興奮、熱狂、Excited interest or attention 引用元 : WSJ - Where Amazon Is Failing to Dominate: Hollywood (2017/10) It was an acknowledgment that Amazon Studios has been stumbling when it comes to producing content that attracts audie…