2024年6月、71歳のFRB議長Jerome Powellさんのアナウンスメント。落ち着いた口調で綺麗な英語!
- squarely : 正面から、真っ向から、直接に
- mandate: 使命、任務
- My colleagues and I remain squarely focused on achieving our dual mandate goals of maximum employment and stable prices for the benefit of the American people.
- inflationary pressure : インフレ圧力
- We are maintaining our restrictive stance of monetary policy in order to keep demand in line with supply and reduce inflationary pressures.
- at a solid pace : 堅調なペースで
- Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.
- pick up : 〔景気・病気などが〕次第に回復する、好転する、持ち直す
- anemic : 《病理》貧血(症[性・様])の; 〔貧血症のように〕無気力な、非力な; 〔経済などが〕元気のない、沈滞した
- And investment in equipment and intangibles has picked up from its anemic pace last year.
- payroll jobs : 《雇用統計》就業者数
- Payroll job gains averaged 218 thousand jobs per month in April and May, a pace that is still strong but a bit below that seen in the first quarter.
- tick up : 〔値段や率などの数字が〕上がる、上昇する
- The unemployment rate ticked up but remains low at 4 percent.
- on the eve of : ~の前夜に、~の前日の晩に; ~の直前に、~の間際になって
- Overall, a broad set of indicators suggests that conditions in the labor market have returned to about where they stood on the eve of the pandemic—relatively tight but not overheated.
- SEP : Summary of Economic Projections. 経済予想サマリー。FRBは四半期ごとに、経済・政策金利見通しの概要である「経済予想サマリー(SEP)」を公表。
- PCE : Personal Consumption Expenditure. 個人消費支出
- acutely : 〔痛み・感情・感覚・意識などが〕鋭く、敏感に、非常に強く、激しく
- those least able to ~ : 最も~ができない人々
- My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation.