English Guy


映画 - 【マイ・インターン The Intern (2015)】英語


  • Director: Nancy Meyers
  • Writer: Nancy Meyers
  • Stars: Robert De Niro(Ben), Anne Hathaway(Jules), Rene Russo(Fiona), Anders Holm(Matt), JoJo Kushner(Paige), Andrew Rannells(Cameron), Adam Devine(Jason), Zack Pearlman(Davis), Jason Orley(Lewis), Christina Scherer(Becky)

YouTube - The Intern Trailer

The Intern - Official Trailer [HD]



BEN (V.O.) : Freud said, "Love and work, work and love. That's all there is."
Well, I'm retired and my wife is dead.

flier / flyer

チラシ、A pamphlet or circular for mass distribution.

BEN (V.O) : Don't get me wrong. I'm not an unhappy person. Quite the contrary.
I just know there's a hole in my life and I need to fill it.
...Which brings me to this morning, when I was leaving Trader Joe's and caught your flyer out of the corner of my eye.

roll up your sleeves


BEN : ClothesThatFit.com. I think an internet place is looking for Senior Interns. Am I reading that right?
PATTY : Lemme see. (skims the Flyer) You have to be over 65, have organizational skills, genuine interest in e-commerce, whatever that is, and a roll up your sleeves attitude. Well, that's you to a T, kid.
BEN : ClothesThatFit... Is that the outfit that took over the--

take a rain check

延期する、別の日にする、to accept the postponement of an offer

BEN : (sweetly)Was it? Yeah, no, we should do that again for sure but okay by you if I take a rain check?

figure out


BEN : The tech stuff might take a bit to figure out, I had to call my nine year old grandson just to find out what a USB connector was...
but I'll get there. Eager to learn.

Business as usual


KEIRA : There's going to be a couple of interviews today, Ben. We want to make sure both of us find the right fit.
Business as usual is not really our motto so hope you have some fun here.


有効な、効果的な、Having force and producing a striking effect.

  • Synonyms : effective, significant, considerable, marked, striking, powerful, solid, impressive, influential, decisive, potent, forceful, weighty, forcible, trenchant, effectual

JUSTIN : -- So, 40 years at the phone book company. That's amazing.
Seriously. So, Benjamin, this is one of our more telling questions for all of our Interns, so I want you to think about this one. Take your time -- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
BEN : (amused) When I'm 80?


経験[学歴など]がありすぎる、Educated or skilled beyond what is necessary or desired for a particular job.

JUSTIN : You look great by the way. And you're clearly more than qualified for the job. You're super over qualified. What can I say -- great video, great interviews -- Ben, you're in it to win it! You got it, man. Congrats. You're an intern.



  • Synonyms : atingle, excited, fired up, thrilled, worked up

BEN : (shakes his hand) Hey Davis. Ben Whittaker. Exciting place, huh?
DAVIS : Oh my God, they had one opening for a regular age intern -- no offense, and I got it. I'm so psyched.
BEN : I'm pretty psyched myself.


面倒なこと、困ったこと、trouble, bother

JULES : I started CTF in my kitchen eighteen months ago. It was just me, a model and a photographer, we were all women and we tried on everything we sold. Then we described the fit to save you the hassle.

weird out

【米俗】変な気分にさせる、不気味にさせる、to cause (someone) to feel afraid or uncomfortable
Ex)His unstable behaviour was weirding me out.

BEN : Any tips before I go in?
BECKY : -- Just talk fast, she hates slow talkers. Or maybe that's just when I talk slow. Just don't dawdle, in any way. Keep it moving and don't forget to blink.
(Ben reacts. Blink?)
She hates when people don't blink. It weirds her out.

catch up

追いつく、To move fast enough to attain the same progress as another

CANDICE : Exactly. Jules, we can't keep up with our own success. You know that.
You're an hour late to every meeting. We have a name for it. Jules Standard Time. And I get it, there's just so many hours in the day.
We're all playing catch-up. Our tech guys are working ‘til two, three in the morning. Customer Service is swamped. We're running out of inventory.
We have shipping issues, programming problems. And the bigger we get, the more complicated it's gonna get.



CANDICE : That it's all going so fast, it can get away from us.
The VC's think a seasoned CEO will take things off your plate -- that's all -- free you up to do what you do great.
You come up with the ideas and let someone else make the trains run on time.


Missing In Action、行方不明

BECKY (O.S.) : Jules's driver is MIA. He's not answering any of my texts. I know you drove Jules yesterday and I didn't hear any complaints, so can you pick her up this morning?

Go without saying

言うまでもない、To be unambiguous, perfectly clear, or self-evident; to be already acknowledged, established, or accepted.

JULES : And everything you hear in the car is strictly confidential, okay?
BEN : Goes without sayin'.

House husband / Stay-at-home dad


BEN : I've read about these house husbands. Interesting, how that all worked just now.
JULES : They actually prefer to be called Stay-at-Home Dads.
BEN : Oh, sorry. Did not know that. Well, it's very admirable. He's a real 21st century father.

work on all cylinders

フル回転で働く、using all your energy to do something、working as well as possible

BEN : She works on all cylinders all the time.
Doesn't stop, doesn't sleep...never see her eat. Maybe it's good that I'm here, you know...


気晴らし、気分転換、Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains.

JULES : So you're on Facebook, huh?
BEN : Well, I'm trying to figure it out. I joined ten minutes ago.
JULES : Better late than never. Want some help?
BEN : I'd love some but, really, you don't have to waste your time.
JULES : I need a diversion. You have a photo of yourself?
BEN : No, do I need one?


~にお世辞を言う、~にごまをする、To curry favor with in an obsequious manner; fawn on

BEN : Jules Ostin.
(Jules shoots him a look) I'm not trying to brown-nose you, but I've been in business a long time and have never run across anyone quite like you. You do inspire, Jules.


行き過ぎる、限度を超える、To go beyond (a limit); exceed

BEN : Jules, I apologize if I overstepped in some way... JULES : No, no, no.
No, don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong.
Look, I have a lot going on, and I’m a really private person and at first, I don’t know, I thought maybe this wasn’t going to work but I was wrong.

give a hand


JULES : Hi. This is good, right? I like this arrangement.
Becky, I want you to let Ben give you a hand, okay? And cc him on all my e-mails.



DAVIS : Okay, what’s the deal with the handkerchief? That one I just don’t get, at all. BEN : It’s essential. That your generation doesn’t know that is criminal.
The best reason to carry a handkerchief is to lend it.
Ask Jason about this. Women cry, Davis. We carry it for them. One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous gent.



JULES : Guys, I can't, literally can't, thank you enough for what you just did.
It was so above and beyond and brave and loyal!
I'm indebted to you forever.