English Guy


YouTube - Racismに関するPete Carrollのスピーチ (2020/08/29)

youtu.be Script 動画のスクリプトはこちら。 www.seahawks.com

furlough - 一時解雇する

furlough 〈米〉~を一時解雇する * layoffと似てるが、layoffは解雇されている状態、furloughは解雇されていない状態の違いがある to allow or force someone to be absent temporarily from work Examples After safety concerns, the company furloughed …

overdrive - 〔人を〕過度に働かせる

overdrive 〔車などを〕過度に運転し続ける、〔人を〕過度に働かせる a state of great activity, effort, or hard work Examples The official propaganda machine went into overdrive when war broke out. Need toilet paper? Procter & Gamble plant goe…

take credit for - 自分の手柄にする

take credit for 自分の手柄にする、~のことで称賛される, ここでcreditは称賛、名誉 Examples How can he take credit for work he didn’t do? Trump took credit Tuesday for taking measures that he said had prevented the deaths of millions, noting…

detour - 遠回り、回り道

detour 遠回り、回り道、迂回路 a different or less direct route to a place that is used to avoid a problem or to visit somewhere or do something on the way Examples You'd be wise to make a detour to avoid the roadworks. The pipeline route f…

downplay - 軽視する

downplay 軽視する、(…を)控えめに扱う to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is Examples Trump downplays coronavirus threat again, even as number of cases in U.S. surges.

LinkedIn Learning - How to Manage Feeling Overwhelmed


selloff - (株などの)大量売却

selloff 株、債券または商品の安売り、大量売り a sale of an investment, such as shares in a company, that causes its value to fall sell off 安く売り払う Examples Selloffs end when the problem that caused the selloff is under control. Others …


glats.co.jp www.yahoo.com

(live) paycheck to paycheck - その日暮らし

(live) paycheck to paycheck 給料ぎりぎりの暮らし、その日暮らし Examples As coronavirus shutdowns halt commerce across the U.S., low-wage workers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, are being quickly stung. In U.S., many hourly workers…

news outlet - 報道機関

news outlet 報道機関 Examples Authorities in Beijing have forced at least seven Chinese nationals to stop working for American news outlets there, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Foreign news outlets in China are barred …

Plain English Guideline

アメリカ政府によるPlain Language Guideline www.plainlanguage.gov

洋書 - Yuval Noah Harariの2部作 (Sapiens / Homo Deus)

Yuval Noah Harariの2部作 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2014) Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (2016) 上の2作に比べ、3番目に出た* 21 Lessons for the 21st Centuryはちょっとルーズな構成のエッセー Amazon Link Sapiens: A Brief Hi…

洋書 - The Innovator's Dilemma

The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change)作者:Clayton M. Christensen出版社/メーカー: Harvard Business Review Press発売日: 2016/01/05メディア: ペーパーバック Link Wiki - T…

本の要約サービスAPP - Blinkist / Instaread

概要 英語のノンフィクション本の要約サービス紹介 Blinklist Instaread 両方とも、15分~20分で読める(聞ける!)長さの本の要約、同じ内容のAudioも提供。 Link Blinkist www.blinkist.com booktown35.com Instaread instaread.co

洋楽 - 【Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Knight & The Pips】英語

Midnight Train to Georgia: The Best ofアーティスト:Gladys Knight出版社/メーカー: Music Club Deluxe発売日: 2007/10/09メディア: CD Link / Lyrics Wik - Midnight Train to Georgia AZLyrics.com - Midnight Train to Georgia Lyrics Song Meanings + …

dupe someone into - (人)をだまして~させる

dupe someone into (人)をだまして~させる to cheat someone by telling lies or by deceiving the person Examples They duped me into giving them money by saying it would go to charity. The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying her…

break out - (ある部分を)取り出す、強調する

break out (ある部分を)取り出す、強調する To highlight just one portion or section of something, To isolate a portion of a body of data Examples Please break out the sales figures from the quarterly report. Alphabet doesn’t break out fina…

映画 - 【恋愛小説家 As Good as It Gets (1997)】英語

恋愛小説家 [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント発売日: 2013/04/24メディア: Blu-rayこの商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る Overview YouTube Link 単語・例文 load/weight off your mind abuse bar drive someone nuts 面白い…

point out - (間違いなど)指摘する

point out (間違い、知らないことを)指摘する to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it Examples Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Uber will likely point out that it is prof…

back-to-back - 連続して、立て続けに

back-to-back adj, adv) 連続の(連続して) one following after another, consecutive(ly) Examples The soccer team won back-to-back victories last weekend. Real Madrid become first team to win back-to-back Champions League finals. The firm ha…

carve out - 努力して作り上げる

carve out 努力して作り上げる establish or create through painstaking effort carve : 彫刻する Examples U.S. and China would be able to carve out a trade deal. She carved out a reputation for herself as a high-powered lawyer.

exploit - 利用する、悪用する

exploit 1) 利用・活用する, to use something for your own benefit 2) 悪用する, to use someone unfairly for your own advantage 3) (コンピューターセキュリティ) セキュリティー上の弱点を突く手段 Exploit Kit Examples The two companies joined for…

takeaway - 重要ポイント、結論

takeaway 重要ポイント、結論 main points or key messages, conclusion Examples Today's takeaways : よくセミナーとかの最後に、要点まとめページで使われる Three Takeaways From Trump's State of the Union

海外Commercial - Super Bowl Commercials 2019

Super Bowl 2018 Adsまとめサイト ALL THE COMMERCIALS IN SUPER BOWL 53 — SUPERBOWL 2019: ALL OF THE COMMERCIALS 紹介サイト www.cbssports.com

spill the beans - 秘密を暴露する

spill the beans 〔うっかり〕秘密を漏らす、暴露する to let secret information become known Examples The newspapers spilled the beans on the scandal. Conan O’Brien doesn’t want to spill all the beans about his revamped TV show. We’ll all be …

clearance sale - 在庫処分セール

clearance sale 〔商品の〕クリアランスセール、在庫一掃[処分・整理]セール an event at a store, during which it sells products at a lower price than usual in order to get rid of them: clearance : 在庫一掃[処分] Examples Save up to 60% on …

budget (adj.) - 手ごろな価格の、cheap

budget (adj.) 手ごろな価格の low in price; cheap 格安航空会社LCC (Low-Cost Carrier)のことを、No-frills carrier, Budget carrierともいう。 Examples Budget airlines have forced major airlines to lower some of their prices. Given that Apple is…

cull - 処分する、kill

spur 処分する kill Examples The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups. The Henn na Hotel (robot-staffed hotel) has culled over half of its robots, many because they created work rather than reduced it.

spur - 拍車を掛ける、促進させる

spur 拍車を掛ける、促進させる to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster: Examples Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth. In the future, industrial robots may create jobs, boos…