English Guy


at odds - 不一致で、不和で、対立して、争って

at odds 不一致で、不和で、対立して、争って to disagree Examples They're at odds over the funding of the project. Her version of events was at odds with (= very different from) the police report. Rimini Street and Oracle were once again at …

bang for the buck - 努力に見合うだけの価値, good value for money

bang for the buck 努力・出費に見合うだけの価値 value in return for your money = good value for money : 購入・投資価値のあるもの Examples The company spent lots of money in the past, but now its products give more bang for the buck. One of …

crow's feet - 目じりの小じわ

crow's feet 目じりの小じわ the narrow lines at the outer edge of a person’s eyes Link ここの画像を見たほうが手っ取り早い health.howstuffworks.com Examples You can call crow's feet "laugh lines" or "character lines," but these slightly more…

abusive - 虐待的な

abusive 虐待的な treating someone badly or cruelly, esp. physically Examples He was a very strict parent, but never abusive. Everyone in Tesla is in an abusive relationship with Elon Musk. I was in an abusive relationship for 2 years becau…

English pun (英語でのダジャレ)

Link eikaiwa.weblio.jp examples.yourdictionary.com

old hand - 熟練者、名人、通

old hand 熟練者、名人、通 veteran, expert Examples He is an old Japan hand. (日本通) He is an old China hand. (中国通) He is an old hand at the game.

touch and go - uncertain

touch and go [危険な / どうなるか分からない / 不安定な]状態 uncertain Examples The doctor says that it's touch-and-go whether the patient will be okay after the surgery. Brexit deal still looks touch and go.

luster - 輝き、栄光

luster 輝き、栄光 the brightness of a smooth or shiny surface; the quality of being attractive or special Examples How Apple’s iPhone lost its luster? Huawei’s rumoured military credentials gain no luster from its retreat.

eye-opening - (目を覚ますような)驚くべき

eye-opening 目を見張るような、(目を覚ますような)驚くべき surprising, and teaching you new facts about life, people, etc. Examples The film "XXX" is an eye-opening look into the lives of factory workers. The report is very accurate and ve…

on a par with - ~と同等/同様、~と肩を並べている

(be) on a par with ~と同等/同様である、~と肩を並べている[優劣をつけられない] = on a level with Examples It would be wrong to view his exit on a par with the others. It is far more serious. Wells Fargo’s valuation, while no longer at a …

wheel and deal - 策を弄する、駆け引きをする

wheel and deal 策を弄(ろう)する、駆け引きをする to try to make a profit or get an advantage using clever or complicated methods and often deceiving people or breaking the usual rules Examples He spends his time wheeling and dealing on th…

Ignorance is bliss - 無知は至福 / 知らぬが仏

Ignorance is bliss 無知は至福 / 知らぬが仏 Saying) said to emphasize that sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts about a situation Examples Ignorance is bliss. Link Ignorance is bliss(知らぬが仏)

disciplinary action - 懲戒処分

disciplinary action 懲戒処分 a method for dealing with a worker who causes problems or does not obey company rules, for example, by removing them from their job Examples Notice of disciplinary action - 懲戒処分についての公示 Departments wi…

work to the bone - 身を粉にして働く

work oneself to the bone = work one's fingers to the bone 身を粉にして働く、一生懸命働く to work extremely hard, especially for a long time Examples She worked her fingers to the bone to feed her children. We don’t expect staff to work the…

down to earth - 現実的に、地道に、堅実に

down to earth 現実的に、堅実に If you are down to earth, you are very realistic and practical. down-to-earthで形容詞としてもつかわれる。現実的な、地道な <=> with one's head in the clouds : 夢想的に、非現実的に Examples He is blunt, outspok…

grit : 根性、ガッツ

grit (n.) 根性、気概、ガッツ courage; nerve Examples It takes a lot of grit to do something like that. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Book by Angela Duckworth grit (v.) 歯を食いしばる = grit one's teeth Examples I would grit…

upper hand : 優位、優勢

upper hand 〔競争・交渉などにおける〕優位、優勢 A position of advantage, power, and/or control Usage get the upper hand have the upper hand give someone the upper hand Examples That rules would give Chinese the upper hand. US-China trade w…

corner the market : 市場を独占する

corner the market 市場を独占する To sell or produce something so successfully as to overshadow all others in the same field. Examples Amazon is so strong right now that they've really cornered the market on online shopping. Uber didn’t jus…

out of spite : 腹いせに、意地悪で、悪意で

out of spite 腹いせに、意地悪で、悪意で with the desire to harm someone or something Examples We are sure that you did it out of spite. She broke her elder brother's watch out of spite.

fussy : 細かいことにこだわる、小うるさい

fussy 細かいことにこだわる、小うるさい not easily satisfied or pleased; worried or careful about unimportant details: Examples fussy about details fussy eater : 好き嫌いの多い[激しい]人

go-getter : 自発的に仕事をする人、やり手

go-getter 自発的に仕事をする人、やり手 someone who is energetic and works hard to succeed: Examples We like go-getters who bring in new customers.

psyched about : ~に興奮している[夢中である]

psyched about ~に興奮している[夢中である]、excited Examples We are all so psyched about this new app.

bear the brunt of : ~の矢面に立つ

bear the brunt of ~の矢面に立つ、~の影響・被害をまともに食らう Examples Women bear/take the brunt of social change. Small companies are feeling the full brunt of the recession. Canada has borne the brunt of China's fury over the arrest o…

dialogue with : 対話する

dialogue with 対話する Examples Regarding pricing policy, we can dialogue with the product manager in the near future.

loss leader : (原価を割った)客寄せ商品,目玉(商品)

loss leader (原価を割った)客寄せ商品,顧客の来店促進のために使用される広告商品・目玉商品 a product sold at a loss to attract customers. Examples Other retailers are using the book as a loss leader to bring customers in the door.

drop-in replacement : 完全互換品

drop-in replacement 完全互換品、差し込むだけで交換できる品 例 Corretto is designed as a drop-in replacement for all Java SE distributions unless you are using features (e.g., Java Flight Recorder) not available in OpenJDK. Link Wiki - Drop…

test the water(s) : 事前調査する

test the water(s) 飛び込む前に水の温度を確認する、実行する前に問題がないかチェックする、事前調査する to find out whether something is likely to be successful before you do or try it 一般例文 We plan to test the water before actually manufa…

call for : 要求する

call for 必要とする、要求する to need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality; to demand that something happens 一般例文 This calls for a celebration! Members have called for his resignation.

trash talk - 侮辱する発言

trash talk (他の人を)侮辱する発言、相手を威圧したり動揺させたりすることを狙って、スポーツ選手が敵の選手に対して言うもの。 Ex) Larry Ellison's trash-talk distracts from something more interesting: The Oracle Autonomous Database. Link スラ…

洋楽 - 【Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan】英語

いい曲だけど、歌詞がつらすぎます・・・ ALONE AGAIN (NATURALLY)アーティスト:ギルバート・オサリバン出版社/メーカー: Victor発売日: 2013/06/05メディア: MP3 ダウンロード Alone Again, Naturally (feat. Elton John)アーティスト:ペット・ショップ・ボ…