English Guy


映画 - 【ミザリー Misery (1990)】英語

ミザリー (字幕版)

ミザリー (字幕版)


  • Director: Rob Reiner
  • Writers: Stephen King (novel), William Goldman (screenplay)
  • Stars: James Caan(Paul Sheldon), Kathy Bates(Annie Wilkes), Richard Farnsworth(Buster), Frances Sternhagen(Virginia), Lauren Bacall(Marcia Sindell)

YouTube - Trailer

Misery (1990) - Original Trailer

Wiki, IMDb, Script



(たくさんの物の中から目的の物を引っかき回して)捜す、to search for something by moving things around without care and looking into, under, and behind them

Ex) She rummaged through the drawer, looking for a pen.

PAUL : An old friend.
I was rummaging through a closet and it was just sitting there.
Like it was waiting for me.
SINDELL : (searching for a compliment) It's... it's nice, Paul.
It's got... character.


代理人、a person who is given the power to act instead of, or to help do the work of, another person

Ex) a deputy chairman, the deputy editor, a sheriff’s deputy

BUSTER : Virginia, when you're in this car, you're not my wife, you're my deputy.
VIRGINIA : Well, this deputy would rather be home under the covers with the Sheriff.

orthopedic surgeon


PAUL : Then the roads are open...
ANNIE : The one to town is, but that's about it. I called the hospital and talked to the head orthopedic surgeon. I told him who you were and what had happened. He said as long as there's no infection(感染), you're not in any danger, and as soon as the road to the hospital is open, they'll send an ambulance for you.

go nuts

怒り狂う、to become insane

PAUL : My daughter must be going nuts. I was supposed to be home for her birthday three days ago.



ANNIE : I don't mean to pry, but I've read in two magazines now where you were seeing this model who does those disgusting jeans commercials. And I said it can't be true. Paul Sheldon would never waste his time with a trampy woman like that.



PAUL : Well, I don't hold grudges(恨みを持つ). After all, who doesn't let off a little steam once in a while.

I'm telling you (= I'll tell you)

よく聞いてね、言っとくけど、believe me when I say this

Ex) I'm telling you, he's the best player in the American League.

ANNIE : What's the matter, Paul? You haven't written a word.
PAUL : I can't write this anymore.
ANNIE : Don't be silly. Of course you can.
PAUL : I'm telling you, I can't.



Ex) sarcastic comments

VIRGINIA : What do you expect to find? A story about a guy who drove his car off a cliff in a snowstorm?
BUSTER : Now, you see, it's that kind of sarcasm that's given our marriage real spice.


活力、元気、something that creates a feeling of energy or excitement:

Ex) Add pepper to give a little zip to the sauce.

PAUL : I've never had meatloaf this good, what do you do to it?
ANNIE : My secret is I only use fresh tomatoes, never canned.
And to give it that little extra zip, I mix in some Spam with the ground beef.