English Guy


映画 - 【ビッグ Big (1988)】英語

ビッグ (字幕版)

ビッグ (字幕版)


  • Director: Penny Marshall
  • Writers: Gary Ross, Anne Spielberg
  • Stars: Tom Hanks(Josh), Elizabeth Perkins(Susan), Robert Loggia(MacMillan), John Heard(Paul), Jared Rushton(Billy), Mercedes Ruehl(Mrs. Baskin)

YouTube - Trailer

Big (1988) Original Trailer.



  • (it) beats me : さっぱり分からない、知らん、I do not know the answer.; I cannot figure it out.

    BILLY : Hey. Hey. Hey! Oh my God, it's Cynthia! How did a geek like Freddy Benson get a sister like that?
    JOSH : Beats me.

  • make no sense : 全く意味がわからない

    POLICE : That's right. We're at the scene right now.
    Well, she's pretty upset and she's not making any sense at all.
    There's no ransom note(身代金を要求する手紙 ), no prints, there's no nothin'.
    Tell you what, file a report and to be on the safe side...

  • Paper route : 新聞配達

    JOSH : Previous employment.
    BILLY : Your paper route.
    JOSH : I can't put that.
    BILLY : Paper route circulation?
    JOSH : Yeah!

  • fringe benefit : (給与以外の)付加給付、Wiki - フリンジ・ベネフィット

    JOSH : So how long have you worked here?
    SCOTT : Five years. Work stinks but the fringe benefits are great!

  • eviscerate : 内臓を抜く、to remove the internal organs of

    SUSAN : All he said was "I don't get it."
    PAUL : I don't get it! I don't get! I don't get!
    He's going for the throat, trying to eviscerate me!

  • sleep over : 人の家に外泊する

    SUSAN : I'm not sure we should do this yet.
    JOSH : Do what?
    SUSAN : Well, I mean I like you and I want to spend the night with you....
    JOSH : Do you mean sleep over?
    SUSAN : Well,...yeah!
    JOSH : Okay! But I get to be on top!

  • walk out on : (人)の元を去る、(人)を見捨てる

    SUSAN : You know, you don't walk out on somebody!
    You don't just get up and leave and walk out like that! You don't do that! JOSH : I know. I know.
    I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry but I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say.