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海外ドラマ - 【ビッグバン★セオリー Big Bang Theory】英語 - Season 6

YouTube - Season 6 Best Moments

The Big Bang Theory - Best Moments - Season 6

Episode 6-1. The Date Night Variable

  • agreement : 契約、契約書
  • intimacy : sex

    Penny: Now. So, does Sheldon have anything special planned for you tomorrow night?
    Amy: Oh, yes. According to the Relationship Agreement, on the anniversary of our first date, he must take me to a nice dinner, ask about my day and engage in casual physical contact that a disinterested onlooker might mistake for intimacy.
    Penny: That's hot. You kids better use protection.

  • anthropic principle : 人間原理

    Sheldon: Leonard, where do you stand on the anthropic principle?
    Leonard: Interesting question. On the one hand, I always thought…
    Sheldon: You don't even know what it is, do you? The anthropic principle states that if we wish to explain why our universe exists the way it does, the answer is that it must have qualities that allow intelligent creatures to arise who are capable of asking the question. As I am doing so eloquently right now.

  • contractual obligation : 契約上の義務

    Leonard: Sheldon, are you sure you want to be bringing Raj on your date night with Amy?
    Sheldon: Oh, absolutely. I have a contractual obligation to provide Amy with conversation and casual physical contact, but nowhere is it specified that I can't outsource that to an Indian.

  • seemingly : 見たところでは(明らかに)、apparently

    Howard: I'm amazing. I mean, this is even better than I dreamed. I look out the window, and it's all so unbelievable.
    Bernadette: Good for you. I just had a seemingly endless dinner with your mom.
    Howard: Oh, yeah? That's nice.

  • loophole : 抜け穴、抜け道

    Amy: On our date? Sheldon, that's not okay.
    Sheldon: Yes, it is. There's a loophole in the Relationship Agreement.
    Amy: You found a loophole?

  • my ass off : to do a lot or do way too much

    Penny: Gosh, I worked my ass off today. This is exactly what I needed.
    Leonard: Great. Just relax and enjoy. Tonight is all about you.

  • third wheel : (親密な二人の所にいる)余計な人、お邪魔虫

    Raj: I was, but it's their anniversary and I didn't want to be a third wheel, so I figured I'd come over here and hang out with you and Penny on your date.

Episode 6-2. The Decoupling Fluctuation

  • gravy boat : sauce boat, a boat-shaped pitcher in which sauce or gravy is served.

    Bernadette: And the next wedding gift is a gravy boat.
    Penny: Ooh, one gravy boat.
    Amy: That's from Sheldon. He told me he had it engraved.
    Bernadette: In the event of a divorce, please return to Sheldon Cooper.

  • cadaver : (人間の)死体

  • spendy : お金のかかる、高価な、Expensive; costly

    Amy: When I get married I'm going to register at the UCLA Cadaver Lab.
    Penny: Ew, why?
    Amy: ‘Cause I've always wanted a whole human skeleton and they are really spendy.

  • downright : Thoroughly; absolutely Sheldon: Yeah. Did you know that while Leonard is not considered a tall fellow in our country, in today's North Korea, he's downright average. Hey, talk about a keeper.

  • heads-up : http://englishguy.hatenablog.jp/entry/2018/03/20/123621#heads-up

    Sheldon: Yeah, just a heads-up: Penny knows that you blabbed about Leonard. She's pretty mad.
    Amy: I know. She's yelling at me right now.

Episode 6-4. The Re-Entry Minimization

  • have a good run : 十分[存分]に走る、接戦を演じる

    Raj: The Fantastic Four reunited.
    Sheldon: Yeah, you had a good run, Fake Wolowitz. We'll remember you with nostalgic fondness, the way we do the dial-up modem, the VHS tape, or, or Leonard's gym membership.

  • spoon-feed : 手取り足取りして教える

    Sheldon: Come on, Leonard, I am spoon-feeding this to you.
    Leonard: I don't know, uh, Casper the alcoholic ghost?

  • big talk : ほら、自慢話

    Leonard: Mmm, in all fairness, Pictionary has verbal skills, visual skills. It's a pretty well-rounded game.
    Sheldon: Lot of big talk from a man who can't draw a chocolate chip cookie.

  • scalped ticket : 転売チケット
    * scalp : 転売する、To engage in the reselling of something, such as tickets, at a price higher than the established value.

    Raj: Oh, Howard, it's still our thing. Come with us, we'll, we'll get you a scalped ticket.
    Howard: So I'd be sitting by myself?

Episode 6-5. The Holographic Excitation

  • third time's the charm : 三度目の正直

    Raj: Hey, Stuart, I see you're getting ready for your Halloween party.
    Stuart: Yeah, it's my annual attempt to meet women. Ninth time's the charm.

  • come-hither look : 色目、bedroom eyes、amorous glance、come-on eyes

    Amy: That's not always true. Last night I gave Sheldon my best come-hither look, and he responded by explaining how wheat came to be cultivated.

  • long overdue : だいぶ遅延している

    Leonard: Hey, what are you doing here?
    Penny: I just thought I'd stop by and say hello.
    Leonard: Oh, what a nice surprise. I don't think you've ever seen my lab before.
    Penny: No, I know. It's long overdue. So, what ya doing? Better not be building a robot girlfriend.

  • Buzz Aldrin : Neil Armstrongと一緒に月に着陸した宇宙飛行士

Episode 6-24. The Bon Voyage Reaction

  • cater to : (望みなど)に応じる

    Sheldon: Yes, he does. He caters to my every whim(気まぐれ).

  • have a shot at something : to try to do something, often for the first time。〔初めて〕~に挑戦する、~をやってみる

    Leonard: Well, do you really think I have a shot?

  • discourage : To deprive of confidence, hope, or spirit:

    Raj: Hey, don't discourage him. This is a fantastic opportunity.

  • Leonard: I know what you're doing. You don't want me going on this research trip because you're afraid to be alone.

  • Lucy: Six strangers? That's a lot of pressure.
    Staring at me, asking me personal questions. Like, what do you do? Where are you from? Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?

  • Penny: Oh, I don't know. Remember what happened when I took care of your goldfish?
    Leonard: Well, flush Sheldon down the toilet and get me a new one.

  • Sheldon: Um, can I have your attention, everyone? (Clinks glass) That's, uh, B-flat, for those who don't have perfect pitch.
    I would like to propose a toast to my best friend, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. He has been presented with a wonderful opportunity, and I couldn't be happier for him.